A LIVING HOPE – The Book of 1st Peter

The way you imagine your future is crucial. It reveals whether or not you have hope. And it reveals where your hope lies. Misplaced hope isn’t hope at all. In 1 Peter, we find hope that endures through every trial and can’t be taken away. It's the hope that lies at the center of Christian faith and life; hope that transforms the way we live today. It is a “living hope”.[Source: Book Of 1 Peter]


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Pt.1 "Living Hope"

Text: 1 Peter 1:1-12
Kula Date: Aug 16 & 18
Kula Speaker: Shaun Waite
Kula Worship Leader: Cole Flanigan
Makawao Date: Sept 1
Makawao Speaker: Kaipo Thomas
Makawao Worship Leader: Shane Perry

Pt.2 "Holy Calling"

Subtitle: What It Means When I Say, "I'm Christian"
Text: 1 Peter 1:13-25
Kula Date: Aug 23 & 25
Kula Speaker: Shaun Waite
Kula Worship Leader: Shane Perry
Makawao Date: Sept.1
Makawao Speaker: Kaipo Thomas
Makawao Worship Leader: Shane Perry

Pt.3 "Living Stones"

Text: 1 Peter 2:1-12
Kula Date: Aug 30 - Sept 1
Kula Speaker: Shaun Waite
Kula Worship Leader: Cole Flanigan

Pt. 4 "Holy Submission"

Text: 1 Peter 1 Peter 2:13-25
Kula Date: Sept 6 & 8
Kula Speaker: Cole Flanigan
Kula Worship Leader: Shane Perry
Makawao Date: Sept 15
Makawao Speaker: Cole Flanigan
Makawao Worship Leader: Loke Holda

Pt.5 "Godly Marriage"

Text: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Kula Date: Sept 13 & 15
Kula Speaker: Kaipo Thomas
Kula Worship Leader: Jonathan Hans
Makawao Date: Sept 22
Makawao Speaker: Kaipo Thomas
Makawao Worship Leader: Moana Anderson

Pt.6 "Righteous Suffering"

Text: 1 Peter 3:8-22 & 4:12-19
Kula Date: Sept 20 & 22
Kula Speaker: Scott Hopkins
Kula Worship Leader: Jonathan Hans
Makawao Date: Sept 29
Makawao Speaker: Kaipo Thomas
Makawao Worship Leader: Cole Flanigan

Pt.7 "Shepherding the Flock"

Text: 1 Peter 5:1-14
Kula Date: Sept 27 & 29
Kula Speaker: Shaun White
Kula Worship Leader: Travis Mendoza
Makawao Date: Oct 6
Makawao Speaker: Kaipo Thomas
Makawao Worship Leader: Travis Mendoza